"The blog I always wanted to read." - Joseph Adorno, Creator & Author of Comic Book Rehab
Saturday, October 26, 2019
"Where IS Batman, Batwoman?"
This sets up a mystery that I think will remain unsolved for the sake of the series' lead not being overshadowed by the venerable caped crusader, but how could it be solved...in an interesting way? Why would Bruce Wayne abandon Gotham for three years? And where's the rest of the Bat-family in the context of this series? None of the Robins or Batgirls or even Commissioner Gordon...
Where is everybody?
Oh...there is an answer...but it's a dark one..
Y'know...people have been saying Batman and The Joker are 2 sides of the same coin for decades. I would say, in terms of superficial baseline ethics, yes, I agree. They like gadgets. They leave notes and calling cards behind. They dress in costume. The vehicles they drive are named after each other, respectively. They're both tricksters. Batman can be just as tricky as the Joker, but the idea of Batman becoming a Joker is how you get "The Batman Who Laughs", a Batman from an alternate/parallel Earth, set in "Dark Multiverse", who becomes the Joker after killing the clown prince of crime, only to wind-up unwittingly exposed to the toxin behind his arch foe's transformation. He immediately dispatches all the Bat-family members and his allies in the Justice League and the DCU before turning his attention to the multiverse itself...that's as far as I want to go with the recap...I'm not really a fan of the character - he exists as an attempt, I think, to capitalize on the popularity of Marvel Comics villain like Venom and Carnage, although, ironically, it's still the Joker that's going to sell the movie tickets.
Anyway, what makes The-Batman-Who-Laughs interesting to me, is that his backstory makes for a convincing argument for why Batman would disappear from Gotham for a considerable amount of time - he's running away, trying and failing to find a cure for his monstrous transformation. And now that he's failed, he's coming back to take back Gotham..in the worst ways imaginable.
NOW you have an opportunity to have Batwoman face a truly challenging opponent that probably won't appear in the movies and they can get away with in the CW "Arrowverse" because they already established the presence of a multiverse in their continuity. You can also get away with a recast, because you need an actor who can convincingly play a new take on Batman - a Batman who has embraced the identity of his worst enemy. The World's Greatest Detective wants to act like Hannibal Lector...wouldn't that raise the bar for Kate to show what she could do, eh?
I don't know if Greg Berlanti is willing to roll the dice like that for a time slot that used to be owned by Murder, She Wrote on family-friendly Sunday nights but it would be something..
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Kitsune Britney: The Persona of Britney Spears In Folklore
And I seriously doubt that will happen...because in recent years, it looks like Britney Spears has begun to embrace her public persona and roll with it, as opposed to self-destruct and reject it. Between 2007-2008, it looked like self-destruction was a possibility, wherein she appeared to reject maturity and becoming attached in favor of becoming increasingly immature and detached...and then that dilemma was put into a seeming holding pattern where responsibility became delegated via a conservatorship and she has spent the last decade in a kind-of stasis, where all there is for her to do is embrace all that she is and learn to like it.
But what is Britney Spears? If she's reinventing her "self" to be more like the image crafted by manager Larry Rudolph and music video director Nigel Dick over 2 decades ago, then what is that image of that could make it identifiable as a form of empowerment for her to realize was already there? What identity is she in the process of adjusting to accepting? At the time of this writing, I present my answer:
In folklore & mythology, there are characters who represent the power of the human spirit to combat and make light of negative behavior patterns. These characters appear in tales of morality and ethical dilemmas. They are identified as Tricksters. These are usually depicted as smart, clever animals, both good & evil, helpful & hurtful - not particularly perceptive or self-aware all the time...but they have the potential to mature into self-awareness. Britney Spears' public persona is essentially a female trickster. The most famous tricksters in folklore - B'rer Rabbit, Reynard the Fox, Coyote, Bugs Bunny, Bill Murray, Batman - are male, but there are notable female tricksters in mythology, particularly the one I believe can most be associated with Britney Spears: the Japanese fox spirit, Kitsune.
So..let's meet Kitsune Britney, shall we?
Now..wasn't that convenient? Britney's line of fragrances includes one emblematic of duality..and for the purposes of my comparison, shape-shifting. I might buy a bottle of Fantasy Twist to see what the two-in-one fragrances smell like, but this is already a head-start on the road to becoming acutely self-aware. Kitsune starts off as a fox and then gains intelligence and magic powers with age; the nine tails of Kitsune represent her "levels" of power & experience.
Through the conveniently-provided visual aid of a perfume bottle shaped like a Pokeball...we can track the journey of this "Kitsune Britney":
Kitsune Britney made her grand debut on the cover of Rolling Stone, prior to the debut of Britney's second album, Oops, I Did It Again. The cover was controversial at the time because Britney was 17 and the photo, while looking pretty tame compared to today's standards, implied sexual intimacy on a cover of a magazine aimed at adults..and yet, compared to most images offered of Britney over the years, this actually looks elegant:
And there she is...looking like a genie in a bottle, hence the bottle. While Christina Aguilera was singing a song laden with innuendo about offering to be "..your genie in a bottle..", we already have Britney, who might as well be classified as ascending to the form of a Djinn, on the cover of Rolling Stone! And Genies are also tricksters. But this is just misdirection, here. This is Kitsune Britney, in the form of a genie, right away standing apart from the competition arisen since the debut of her first album. It's perfect. Kitsune Britney is marking her territory.
Kitsune Britney next appears in the music video for Spears' "I'm A Slave For You", part of her third album, simply titled Britney. Within a short space of four years (1998-200), Spears' career has focused on her coming of age and increasing confidence with her celebrity fame, but an eerie focus/curiosity by tabloids on her eventual "de-flowering" and transition towards appealing to adults more than kids & teenagers. This happens clumsily, because the content of her songs don't deal with growing up emotionally, but rather, asserting misplaced confidence that everything's proceeding as it should and the sky's the limit. Meanwhile, it's clear that the Britney Spears of the music videos is not the same person in private, or may try clumsily to live up to the public image, as her relationship with Justin Timberlake eroded. Kitsune Britney is still art imitating life. Real-life Britney Spears was life imitating art.
Tricksters aren't perfect. Their tales were created to make light of human behavior and serve as parables of success & failure. Whenever Britney dropped the ball, she wasn't quite sure where to go next, professionally or personally. Many stories about tricksters involve encounters where the trickster gets tricked. Between 2002 and 2008, Britney can't shake the sense that her best days were behind her, but like Kitsune, she assumes different roles...she becomes a girlfriend, a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a producer. She had even officially embraced the role of a sex symbol with her fourth album, In The Zone, but that role was more effective when it was subtlety handed, not overt. The video and song for "Toxic" looked like nothing more than a better-than-average Jessica Simpson routine. It's all "old hat".
And then there's the breakdown between 2007 and 2008, of which I can observe she's on the defensive all the time, adopting various affects like a British accent, multiple multi-colored wigs, an umbrella (Kitsune's umbrella!) and shaving her head to look like a genie (maybe), all while surrounded by a sinister entourage. It's Kitsune Britney in attack mode, but it's totally unbecoming and sad. A fifth album, Blackout, debuted at this time, of which the one song of note, "Gimme More", hints at the self-awareness of how excessive her life had become, while confirming & unveiling the duality of Britney & trickster Kitsune Britney for the first time. Not exactly good times, though, but they pave the way for the damage control summation of Britney's life by that point in the form her sixth album, Circus, which implies a return of the old wit..And the marked the return of then-former manager Larry Rudolph to bring some stability back to her career.
And we next arrive on the years of her residency in Las Vegas, where she performed nightly to refill her bank account, pay the bills and assure everyone that she's still viable:
Monday, May 20, 2019
Doctor Who: Scratchman by Tom Baker (and James Goss)
I first heard of Doctor Who Meets Scratchman in 2008 - when the revival of the BBC TV series was truly at the peak of its trendiness and David Tennant was a few months away from passing the key to the Tardis over to Matt Smith. The show was so popular that there was talk of doing a spin-off movie, though whether it would star Tennant, Smith or a stunt-casted Robert Downey Jr or Johnny Depp was up in the air...well, that's what interested the people at Doctor Who Magazine, because they knew attempts at a film featuring the cast of the TV series had been tried before..
In the 1960's, there were 2 Doctor Who movies starring Peter Cushing as "Dr. Who", but he was playing a different version of the First Doctor, played by William Hartnell on television. In the 1970's, Tom Baker had become the 4th actor to play the Doctor on television and fancied starring in a spin-off film that would've starred himself and TV co-stars Elisabeth Sladen & Ian Marter, who played Sarah Jane Smith & Harry Sullivan, respectively.
This is what the lineup looked like:
They liked working together.
Baker collaborated with Marter on a film script that would've been in the style of the stories told at the time, which resembled pastiches of British gothic horror movies, usually the ones featuring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, but also Roger Corman movies featuring Vincent Price, Basil Rathbone & Peter Lorre. I personally prefer the era where Baker is hanging out with Mary Tamm or his future ex-wife Lalla Ward offering gummy bears to megalomaniacs while tinkering with upgrades for his robot dog/valet, K9.
K9, meet K9...Now THAT'S a crossover!
That being said, there are a lot of great moments featuring this team and the banter between them sparkles in ways that make other Tardis teams look like an assembly of actors.
The film's plot was the 4th Doctor vs The Devil, possibly the biggest representative of evil the character could've faced. Longtime foes the Cybermen and the Daleks would've served as guest-villains. The Devil, going under the name "Scratchman" stages elaborate scenarios to get the Doctor's attention, including an army of scarecrows terrorizing a village...
Cool, but not quite what we got...

Friday, May 10, 2019
"Frank Duck...You ARE The Father!"
This is the great unanswered question: Huey, Dewey & Louie have no father in the comics or cartoons - there was simply no character created identifed in the role. Technically, Donald is the closest to a true parent those boys ever had, yet because he's their uncle, he can get away with being reckless and irresponsible, albeit in that tricky way of fictional characters who remain likable even when being mischievous...it might strain things to put it in stronger words than that. Consider how it took close to 80 years to bother giving the boy's mother, Della, a personality of any definable sort.
This theory is somewhat of a retcon built on a frivolous cartoon, but it could work. There's an old Donald Duck cartoon titled "Frank Duck Brings 'Em Back Alive!", in which Donald is exploring the jungle in a search for a "wild man" - played by Goofy - and the hijinks ensue. The interesting thing about it is the roleplay involved - by this stage, the Disney short cartoons featuring Goofy (particularly the shorts from 40's & 50's) commonly featured Goofy assuming different identities or playing multiple characters in an effort to broaden his comedic range as a cartoon character. It was risky, because the character could wind up becoming a total blank or changing too much, particularly the ones where he's a suburban dad - foreshadowing Goof Troop, albeit with a faster pace - but it didn't take hold too much. This cartoon tries a similar trick with Donald, who is presented as "Frank Duck", a light nod to real-life explorer Frank Buck, but Donald is Donald, functioning as more or less a straight man to Goofy's surreal Tarzan cosplay.
You see what I did there?
My theory is simple. Instead of Donald as Frank Duck, we'll presume Donald is borrowing a boat belonging to his brother-in-law, Frank. Isn't that easy? The nephews daddy has a name...a name that risks sounding more like a nod to current Ducktales producer Francisco "Frank" Angones rather than a nod to an obscure Donald Duck cartoon, but it's a neat double-connection to the past & present.
No need for the test results, Maury, we've got this figured out.
Friday, May 3, 2019
#FlashbackFriday - The Cereal-ized #JusticeLeague
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
And Now...A Totally Random Observation:
So..8 years later..and she's still not on Dancing With The Stars?!
And thus concludes this week's random observation...
Friday, April 19, 2019
The Great Justice League #Fancast of 2014...
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
And I Don't Know At All If These #BatgirlMovie Rumors About Casting #LilyCollins as #Batgirl Are Unfolding Properly...
A few weeks ago, I re-tweeted a bit of gossip I read on Twitter regarding the upcoming Batgirl film that made me believe my instincts regarding Hollywood casting were right on the money. The rumor was that 1 of 3 actresses were being sought after for the role of Barbara Gordon (Batgirl): Emma Watson, Riley Keough and Lily Collins. The source was Delve Calzone ( @TriggerTwin ).
A guy. On Twitter. I don't know him personally, but I like that rumor, particularly the mention of Lily Collins. I can believe that she would be perfect casting, as I've hopefully suggested properly in past Batgirl-related posts on this blog. Aside from the fact that she's the only actress alleged to be in contention whose film resume has gotten better and better over the years, wheras other flavors of the week have hit a slump, what helps sweeten the argument are all these beautiful photos I keep finding of Lily, usually as part of her modeling work for Lancome's cosmetics line. I can picture her playing a character who would NEED to wear a Batsuit to battle criminals. We've already seen Emma Watson in another franchise fighting evil characters without having to wear a mask & cape. Riley Keough would just look like she was cosplaying - sorta like Alicia Silverstone did in Batman And Robin. #LilyCollinsIsBatgirl, ok?
Having written that, I must admit the rumor also includes another big leap in the same tweet, which doesn't sound impossible, but only calls attention to how little we actually know of anything...we know Matt Reeves has submitted his script for The Batman and that it will be set in Batman's early days...
...the next leap in Calzone's rumor is that Barbara Gordon is a character in Matt Reeves' Batman film, which doesn't suggest much about what the Batgirl film will be about, but Reeves might be involved in an advisory capacity, like a co-producer of sorts, until they get a director for it, so there might be some talk of having the films be connected without being prequels or sequels of one or the other. Warner Brothers is interested in a female director - of the names out there, I thought Reed Morano would be cool.
And then there's the costume. There are a lot of different Batgirl costumes. Nowadays, the most-popular Batgirl costumes are Cameron Stewart's "Batgirl of Burnside" design and Jim Lee's "New52" design from Gail Simone was writing Batgirl in 2011-2014. I would suggest the film use both.
Monday, January 28, 2019
"#Adulting" or "#Kidding"?
And there's always talk that it's almost over.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
And Last Night, I Had Another Batgirl Dream...
Oh, boy...
I was in Paris. Lily called and asked me to meet her at a certain cafe. She said she needed to talk to me...
When we met at the cafe, Batman was there, but I couldn't see his face....
Lily was very pleasant. She had brought Cathy & Christina with her. We all had a coffee...
Lily would pause in-between sips to make bat-shaped shadow puppets with her hands, which reflected onto the surface of the coffee cup's saucer. She concluded her puppetry by doing the Batusi while remaining seated...
And then she said the ancient phrase:
"We are like the dreamer, who dreams and lives inside the dream."
We are like the dreamer, who dreams and lives inside the dream...I told her I understood. And then she said:
"But...who is the dreamer?"
But who is the dreamer? A very powerful, uneasy feeling came over me. Lily looked past me and indicated to me to look back at something that was happening there...
I turned and looked...
I saw myself...I saw myself, from long ago, at a defunct comic book store in Manhattan's East Village...listening to Ben, telling me about a dream he had:
"Joseph, it's 10:10 a.m. on February 16th...I was worried about today because of the dream I told you about...the one where I get everything I ever wished for, but it's f*$ked up. I don't like them apples, Joe. I don't like the look of them apples at all...what am I gonna' do? It's like someone's sayin': 'Applesauce, bitch! Take it or leave it'."
And that was the day Matt appeared...
And didn't appear...
"Matt? Is that you?"
"Ben..meet the long-lost Matt Reeves..you may've heard of him."
And while Matt was apparently there, he raised his arm and pointed at Ben, and asked me:
"Who do ya' think that is there?...Naw, naw..we ain't gonna' talk Bats and Babs, now..we ain't gonna talk 'bout Babs or Bats at all..."
I turned around...Lily had put on a purple Batgirl mask and was snapping her fingers before saying one word:
I hadn't remembered that!..
Now this is something really interesting to think about!...